Of course it is a rethorical question.
SAILX was created by a group of sailors because we NEEDED it.
We needed to validate some tactical ideas and we needed to understand the rules.
The first version didn't have a rules engine. Two boats hit and the system stopped both. The fact that today there is a rules engine that tries to solve the questions automatically is not that important.
SAILX sailors are forced to review the facts, to think about the case, to go to the book, to discuss in the forum.... all leading to a better knowledge of the book.
For sailors willing to improve their rules knowledge SAILX seems a good tool EVEN IF THE RULES ENGINE FAILS. It would be nice to have a perfect engine but that would not save the sailors to think, to evaluate and to reach conclusions.
SAILX was also created to provide an 'environment' where sailors could meet, socialize, .... In the begining we were all spanish cat sailors.
Our community has grown and that has advantages and disadvantages. A community with users from different countries, cultures, ages and, in this case, sailing skill levels requires the users to be rather open-minded and tolerant.
Moderation by admins should be the last resource, and we are still learning how to manage the quicky evolving community.
And SAILX is also a game. That gives us the possibility to appeal many potential users and achive the rest of goals. But that means too that we are burdened with all game related issues: the cheating, the too aggresive behaviour, the addiction....
If we are lucky some users will start SAILX because of the game aspects and will eventually have the benefits of the training tool and the community.
If we're unlucky, sailors using SAILX because of the training and community features wil be lulled into the game, forget what's the primary goal of the simulator and lose time and temper.
What do you want from SAILX?
What kind of user you are?